Of work. I love working. I love doing my job well. But this is not normal. All the day in and day out things that I put up with, is going to have to stop. I almost feel like there is a bully at work. I just continue to trust that God has my perfect job and its right around the corner.
I had an offer given to me last night about some therapy. Now at first you may say one of two things, "Yes, Thank the Lord Jessica is finally getting help." or " You don't need therapy." I say I do.. because its Marble Slab Therapy. Which in my book is the only way to do therapy. In one hand you have about 34 billion Weight Watcher Points and in the other your heart.
There are still very few people who understand me and I think that is why I feel almost compressed as if I can't breath around some people. I'm thankful for the things I have and I am ready to work even harder for the things I want. Like freedom. I have spiritual freedom and can't wait to be free from debt. Its just a great feeling. I think we'll take the much desired vacation to Italy once that is accomplished. So maybe next year I'll be posting about the beautiful EVERYTHING over in Italy.
Dare I say that today is a depressed day? I woke up already feeling defeated. I'm not sure what spiritual battles are around me today, but I choose to stand tall and to encourage my angels that their fight is worth it. I am worth fighting for, I can do great things through Christ and I'm choosing to do so today.
P.S. I can't wait for what God has in store for my husband either. His voice is like hearing angels and now that God has brought someone into our lives that He gives words to.. oh the bliss of happiness through Christ is worth every bad day for just a minute of His Glory Shown on Earth.
1 comment:
Every time you see the Eiffel Tower in your header, just remember to keep your eye on the prize, sista!
Can't wait to see pictures of your trip! :-)
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