OmG. SO much fun today. I went with my mom and brothers to the Atlanta Zoo and took oooh about 600 pictures of all the beautiful animals. My mom and I are def. going back alone just to sit and watch. The beauty of God is all around when you look at all animals really.. even the gross ones. But anyways, I had a blast today.. One of my girls, from our old church, and I are going to breakfast in the morning! I can't wait to catch up. She went to college this fall and I love her to death! So I'm really looking forward to that. Jeffrey and I are still in prayer about school so please pray for God to send us some clear guideness.
So today I find myself in a much better mood/place. I'm using a "God Filter" today... *Amy this is where I need to know how to copy your blog here.. so here.. is a great friend of mine who.. I swear we are clones.. only I don't blog as much. She is an awesome "expresser" of her thoughts and feelings. So GO and check out her blog. Back to the God Filter is something that I learned from her yesterday about there being a filter that only things come through (into my life) after God.. "approves them". So today.. is a good day only good things.. with positive out looks. I'll be honest.. it won't last forever.. because I'm the type that looks in the dark corners to see whats wrong. But I'm giving it a go. And when I find myself in the corner.. I'll give it another go.. until I stop looking into the corners.
Last thought.. I want for people to reallly start listening to what people are telling you. If you don't understand what I mean. Your GOAL for the day.. is to listen to someone's WHOLE statement or question.. and then think of your response. Be slow to speak... (OH BOY.. CHALLENGE AHEAD FOR ME!!)
Goodn'te &* Goodm'rn
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