#1 My Cousins Wedding

We had a great time! Everyone was sick leading up to the wedding but Saturday came around and we were all healed. It wasn't until Sunday did I manage to get sick! Awesome! Ok so my cousins center pieces are bowls with fish in them for the receptions. You can clearly see where this is going...Friday night we are at the Rehearsal Dinner and we decided that it was time for us to head back to my cousins house to chill out for the night. We had left the fish in their "carrier" that they were in all day on the counter. It was sealed so there was no way for the Cats to get into the fish. Right? Wrong. I walked into the house and found this...

Stupid Charlie the cat knocked the container over and ate some of them.... ok killed all of them. It was extremely tragic and then I had to replace them at midnight...
That concludes story #1. Story #2 Tomorrow
nice wedding photo..
Oh no! Fish for centerpieces killed by a cat...sounds like the classic tragic just-before-a-wedding crisis!
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