Gee Wiz guys. As if life wasn't changing enough. There are alot of things that for personal reasons I'm not going to share on here but just lift me and my family up in your prayers. That pretty much sums it up. I'm not angry.. just sad/upset. But what can you do? Pray. Amy's Blog tonight pretty much hit home as I was reading it. So that is what I'm going to do. Thanks Amy. It was much needed and uplifting.
Side note.
Garrett pitched the last inning of his baseball game tonight. I'm impressed. No seriously I am. He throws hard and he keeps improving on his aim. He continues to move around the bases faster and smarter. I can't believe this is just 9/10 ball. Just wait till his is in the major league!
Griffin had a pretty big deal this last Saturday at McIntosh highschool and got his new Red/Blue belt. I think we figured out that next year he'll start testing for his brown belts (different levels) and then by the time he is 13 he'll be a black belt. He is so talented and is totally in his "zone". He wants to own a Karate studio when he gets older and those kids will seriously be lucky to learn from him!
I love you, Griffin. I love you, Garrett. I'm so proud of the young men your becoming and how talented you already are. Keep shinning for Jesus and He will always light your path.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
loving love
Well in the past week God has done some pretty flipping awesome stuff in our lives. We are moving to AL May 1st. Its official. I have a job that I'm going to love with my whole heart and its going to provide alot for our lives. Jeffrey will be able to pursue school for what God has called him to be. I couldn't be more excited. But I'm not going to lie its overwhelming. Its a new step in our lives, another blind turn we are making but its never been so right. My selfish, hates change but with my new out look on self-less-ness I'm excited. AMY knows that I AM NOT EXCITED to leave her. I wish more than anything God would allow us to stay super close. I hope she isn't going to break up with me when I move. Long distance doesn't always work for her. But she doesn't realize how different I am. Or maybe she has... if she has then I'll totally expect a break up! :) JK girl JK. Love yah! Mean it! Anyways, now we are just preparing ourselves for one of the biggest moves of our live. One that will forever change our course, One that I'll be making with the best man alive, My Husband. Its going to be great.
On a different note, those of you who have seen Twilight will love this. I was in a hair show on Tuesday for one of my BFF's who is in a hair school up in Northern Atlantaish. The groups theme I was in, Twilight. I, Bella, had some great people to walk down the runway with so I can't complain at all! Here are just a few pictures from that day. It was truly a blast, once it all started and we didn't have to sit any longer! Enjoy it. I need to go edit for Jessica Lee Photography!

On a different note, those of you who have seen Twilight will love this. I was in a hair show on Tuesday for one of my BFF's who is in a hair school up in Northern Atlantaish. The groups theme I was in, Twilight. I, Bella, had some great people to walk down the runway with so I can't complain at all! Here are just a few pictures from that day. It was truly a blast, once it all started and we didn't have to sit any longer! Enjoy it. I need to go edit for Jessica Lee Photography!

Saturday, March 14, 2009
Little Brother
I have two little brothers, Griffin and Garrett. Garrett is 9 and plays baseball. Griffin is almost 11 and is in Karate. Griffin finally entered his first tournament and can I just say I was impressed. Out of 7 kids doing their "form universals" Griffin was awarded 2nd place. Pretty awesome if you ask me! He also received 1st place in the team event. Although he noticed they were the only team entered... :). Here are just a few pictures from the day.

Monday, March 9, 2009
I've been a lil mia I know I know. But a LOT has been going on. I'm so extremely excited and nervous and excited and excited. Have I said I'm excited yet? I've been working on my photography website trying to get it all prepared and up and some what functioning. I'm hoping that everything will be all together for our move to AL. I can't remember right now.. since its 1a.m. if I've "officially" shared that on THE BLOG or not. But we will be moving for Jeffrey to attend school which we are so excited about. God continues to work His blessing in our lives and I am giving the glory back to Him. For without Him nothing would be possible. Jeffrey is really my rock, a really good looking rock, and I'm so thrilled to be a tiny family with him. I know my blog below was about how much I'd miss everyone.. especially Amy, but I've got to turn this wandering boat around and start heading in the positive direction God wants me to be in. I'm extremely sad that I just can't take Amy with me. You know like put her in my pocket and take her out at lunch time and dinner time and play games? :). But seriously, this week is it. The week for positive attitudes and less stress. Because lets me honest, we all need weeks like that. This is what I bought from Bath&BodyWorks for a little extra help!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009
God is good all the time, All the time God is good. Oh, and I'm going to miss Amy.
I'm finding as I get older how many statements I heard over and over are now starting to be "realized". Our flood has left the carpet in my closet smelling.. NICE. The flood tried to come back again last night. But we didn't allow it. We sucked it up with the wet vac in the corner where it was leaking in. The weather quickly dropped so the wetlands froze. Praise the Lord!
I've been in a serious funk lately. Not working full time and feeling like I'm not doing a good job at being a wife has left me seriously, slightly mental. Jeffrey is my rock and he continues to tell me that God has His plan and that soon the next part of His plan for us is going to come into focus. I've been studying Ruth on Friday mornings with an awesome group of ladies. Finding out what the Bible really intended for God to be as a REDEEMER. Amazing. These last few weeks God has opened up my eyes to His perfect love for me. He has provided me with one of the best friends who is really like a twin sister, Amy. She and I try to get together at least twice a week to work out. Jeffrey has been accepted to school and will start this fall. Which means its getting close to moving time. It makes me realize how much I'm going to miss people. Family, Friends, our church and AMY! I'm totally bumming myself out thinking about the fact that we aren't going to just be able to meet up whenever. So I need to stop. For real? I mean its going to suck. I'm going to miss all of my friends, I promise. I may miss Amy a little more. Sorry. (Reason : We spend the most time together.) Doesn't mean all my friends aren't loved the same. lol. So anyways, now that I've bummed myself out. I'm totally excited about some news Jeffrey and I received this past weekend but I'm not going to share it yet. (No baby so don't even bring it up) We are just praying and seeking the Lord for what is right in His plan for us. Keep us in your prayers as our life journey is quickly changing and continues its exciting course. So this post is dedicated to rambling about missing Amy and God being good all the time to me. :) Peace out my loves!
I've been in a serious funk lately. Not working full time and feeling like I'm not doing a good job at being a wife has left me seriously, slightly mental. Jeffrey is my rock and he continues to tell me that God has His plan and that soon the next part of His plan for us is going to come into focus. I've been studying Ruth on Friday mornings with an awesome group of ladies. Finding out what the Bible really intended for God to be as a REDEEMER. Amazing. These last few weeks God has opened up my eyes to His perfect love for me. He has provided me with one of the best friends who is really like a twin sister, Amy. She and I try to get together at least twice a week to work out. Jeffrey has been accepted to school and will start this fall. Which means its getting close to moving time. It makes me realize how much I'm going to miss people. Family, Friends, our church and AMY! I'm totally bumming myself out thinking about the fact that we aren't going to just be able to meet up whenever. So I need to stop. For real? I mean its going to suck. I'm going to miss all of my friends, I promise. I may miss Amy a little more. Sorry. (Reason : We spend the most time together.) Doesn't mean all my friends aren't loved the same. lol. So anyways, now that I've bummed myself out. I'm totally excited about some news Jeffrey and I received this past weekend but I'm not going to share it yet. (No baby so don't even bring it up) We are just praying and seeking the Lord for what is right in His plan for us. Keep us in your prayers as our life journey is quickly changing and continues its exciting course. So this post is dedicated to rambling about missing Amy and God being good all the time to me. :) Peace out my loves!
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