Monday, March 2, 2009

God is good all the time, All the time God is good. Oh, and I'm going to miss Amy.

I'm finding as I get older how many statements I heard over and over are now starting to be "realized". Our flood has left the carpet in my closet smelling.. NICE. The flood tried to come back again last night. But we didn't allow it. We sucked it up with the wet vac in the corner where it was leaking in. The weather quickly dropped so the wetlands froze. Praise the Lord!
I've been in a serious funk lately. Not working full time and feeling like I'm not doing a good job at being a wife has left me seriously, slightly mental. Jeffrey is my rock and he continues to tell me that God has His plan and that soon the next part of His plan for us is going to come into focus. I've been studying Ruth on Friday mornings with an awesome group of ladies. Finding out what the Bible really intended for God to be as a REDEEMER. Amazing. These last few weeks God has opened up my eyes to His perfect love for me. He has provided me with one of the best friends who is really like a twin sister, Amy. She and I try to get together at least twice a week to work out. Jeffrey has been accepted to school and will start this fall. Which means its getting close to moving time. It makes me realize how much I'm going to miss people. Family, Friends, our church and AMY! I'm totally bumming myself out thinking about the fact that we aren't going to just be able to meet up whenever. So I need to stop. For real? I mean its going to suck. I'm going to miss all of my friends, I promise. I may miss Amy a little more. Sorry. (Reason : We spend the most time together.) Doesn't mean all my friends aren't loved the same. lol. So anyways, now that I've bummed myself out. I'm totally excited about some news Jeffrey and I received this past weekend but I'm not going to share it yet. (No baby so don't even bring it up) We are just praying and seeking the Lord for what is right in His plan for us. Keep us in your prayers as our life journey is quickly changing and continues its exciting course. So this post is dedicated to rambling about missing Amy and God being good all the time to me. :) Peace out my loves!