Tuesday, June 30, 2009


So I drove home for a quick photoshoot with David and Sara this weekend. I decided to bring my brothers back with me. Jeffrey doesn't have anything that takes up his days yet so I thought I'd be fun for the boys and a nice little vacation for my Mom and Dad. So although I have been working during the days, its been really nice coming home to something that I'm use too. My brothers. I love them. I can't wait for Jeffrey's brothers and sisters to get to visit later this summer. But its been really nice. We are waiting mom and dad's arrival on Thursday night. We plan on a trip to the beach on Friday and we haven't decided what to do on the 4th.Check out the pictures I took on Saturday at my Photography Blog.
and here are some pictures from Monday Night Bowling with my brothers....

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Boom Boom Pow...

This week has been VBS at our Church here in Mobile. Jeffrey has been doing the missions and music part at night. So I've been spending quality time alone! Its bittersweet for me because its much needed time alone but I miss my hubby!! We went to see Transformers this week *the post below this one* and I'm just now starting to feel more in control of my "tiredness". I'll be driving home tomorrow to have a weekend of photo editing and shooting! I'm excited but be praying that I don't fall asleep. I think my trip with Amy from TX back home gives me hope that I can make it! If I can drive at 1 a.m. I can drive tomorrow afternoon!!

Anyways.. I'll try to come up with more exciting things to blog about but this week has been low key. Oh I'm dying to find some good boots.. yes... flats.. no heels.. good "flat boots"!! :)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

bad idea?

Only tomorrow will tell if tonight is a bad idea. Midnight Movie? Work at 8 a.m.? This has all the ingredients of a bad idea but maybe just maybe it will turn out to be a good memory! Crazy times are always good for memories.. sometimes they aren't great ones though! Oh well! Jeffrey is at VBS and I am about to nap because my sleep has become more and more of a need. Since I've started working full time again I have realized my lack of sleep was for my "teenage" body. Now that I'm inching closer to 22 my body is telling me.. OH NO YOU DON'T! Don't worry I'm not complaining about my age. Just stating that I'm feeling "changes". Also whats up with the fact that I can't eat whatever I want and not gain a pound?! Now I feel as though tonight will definitely be a bad idea because I'm going to need a large soda to keep me awake through the movie!!

Anyways, I'm off to go take a nap. Yes a Nap. Before I leave in 2 hours for a move that won't start until 12 a.m. o0o0 boy! Yippie! But I am coming home this weekend and I can't wait to see my family and DUKE!!! Which by the way... I'm wanting a dog really bad. I know that I will struggle on the drive by myself but it will be worth it! I'm sure. Much L-O-V-E!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Fathers Day!!!

Happy Faja's Day!!! LOVE YOU! MISS YOU!!

Friday, June 19, 2009


Ok, so its official as much as I hate the gym... The Gym and I met last night in my living room floor. OH and My 3 egg whites and toast for breakfast.. nearly had me dead within my first hour awake this morning. But, it will be worth it. I HOPE! I did 100 abs last night and I felt the burn. Although it was only 5 minutes so I really can't complain. Jeffrey and I just sat around last night and hit the hay early. What great fun we are! Tonight hopefully we will be headed out for a date!! :) This week has been a pretty lax week to be honest. Not a whole lot going on. I am depressed that mi familia isn't coming in to town this weekend. I'm going home next weekend and I am bringing back Griffin and Garrett with me on Sunday and my parents will come on Thursday night to start our 4th of July celebration!! Woop Woop! Ok I am headed off to work. Nothing exciting to share. Except for keep your eyes open for my new photography website.. Its coming soon!!!! :)

Monday, June 15, 2009

what what what...

Dancing around in the living room is exercise right?!

I heard a joke at work a week or so ago....

How do you wake Lady Ga-Ga???

Poke Poke Poker Her Face!!! hahaha

SO great! I'm dancing to this song right now and I'm enjoying it. I really am! Better than if I was at the gym.... Speaking of the Gym... I hate those places. Seriously I think they are depressing they just make you realize how far from your goal you are. New rule.. I will step back into the gym once I'm the weight I want to be! :) Ha! Also when I look like Megan Fox then I will 1st- be dreaming and 2nd- be making a lot of money to look like that!!!!

Poker Poker Paaaaa Paaaa Poker face!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Rise and Shine!!!

Another Saturday Another Beach Day!! I'm starting to get ready and waiting for Jeffrey to get up and moving. We are headed to Gulf Shores this morning and then we are heading over to ORANGE BEACH! To see our Youth Group for our church back home! How awesome?! Jeffrey is so thrilled to get to spend some time with the kids! I am too but Jeffrey doesn't get excited about very much lol.

James and Jonathan got here on Thursday night and its been none stop laughs. Jeffrey went and stayed with them at the hotel on Thursday and I am pretty sure there was not a lot of sleeping going on. They went to the beach while I worked. :( bummer. Oh well. We took them to Catfish Junction last night and made them try fried pickles lol. SO funny.

I'm so thrilled to be on this journey with Jeffrey and I feel like over the next few weeks we are really going to work on some US time. Not getting caught up with plans or anything like that. Before school starts we just want to spend some TIME together. Oh this time next week. My family will be here and we'll be headed to the beach! Ugh HOW I love this life! OHHHHHHHH can't wait for transformers!!!! HOLLA!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Ready Set....

Two Years of marriage was officially yesterday. I woke up with this strange feeling. Like, WOAH has it really been two years?! As I was getting ready for work I decided to send Jeffrey a "Facebook" message. I know what has the world turned into?! But I shared the normal things that you do on an anniversary. I was a tiny bit surprised to check my facebook at work and have a message back from him. I started to cry at work! Jeffrey is a sweet guy don't get me wrong but he is not a VOCAL person by any means. So I cherished his words and they will forever be by my heart. I also took the time to look through our wedding pictures and discover how much we've changed. For the good, I think. :)

Just a thought with the way Love goes. We love, We lose, We love. Just like God. He loves, He loses us, He loves us again. Jeffrey and I made a promises to each other on our wedding day that we hold close to our hearts. I'm thankful for everyone that was with us on that day.. and I can only wish that some of my friends that I now know where there as well... which leads me to a prayer request I have...

Be praying for MY AMY as tomorrow she is having surgery. I can't type much about it because I get all teary. Stupid. Tears. Charlie. I'm going to write my prayer on here for you in case I don't get to talk to you.... Don't SKIP over it!

God-I want to lift Amy Walker up into your comforting spirit and since you are the master healer I pray that you are the Dr's and Nurses Hands and Eyes tomorrow. I know that you have a perfect plan for her. But you know my personal request for her life God. I want that more than anything and I just wanted to let you know that I am truly thankful for the way you placed us together at just the right time. You know what time I wouldn't have made it through with out her. And for that I am great-ful to you. Please soothe her nerves and please make it known that your hands and heart are at work. We love you and we praise your name. ALWAYS. <3

Amy,I know you hate when I do this.But I want you to know that you are in my heart more than you know. And your desires are my desires for you more than you can imagine. You are truly a best friend. I'm thankful for knowing what God has already done in your life and I'm hopeful for whats to come.I love you, Charlie. Truly I do.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Green Lights..

Well Today was the first official day of Jeffrey Henderson leading worship as the worship director at Tibbie Baptist. He did great of course. The band is great and I think they are starting to really get into the swing of things. After the service was over I think I put on a good 20 pounds with some Southern Cookin' and man oh man was it gooooood cookin'!!! The Youth are made up of some great core kids that I've meet the last 2 Sunday's they asked us to join them for bowling this afternoon and since we didn't have night church we decided to do that. Jeff of course won.. like always. But we enjoyed our time!! My thumb is killing me!! :(

We called it quits after laughing and after some girl chat about "Twilight". On the road home we stopped at a red light. Well we realized that our side wasn't turning green. In true fashion I wasn't paying attention bc Jeff was driving. Then it happened again. Jeff started creeping forward and I glanced up to Yell,

Me: "The light is STILL RED!"
Jeff: "I know this guy behind me is freaking out! Telling me to go"
Me: "Well don't listen to him"
Jeff: "Thank you, Jessica. Now the guy is banging his head on the steering wheel in frustration that I'm not going... this is funny"
Me: "Great"
*At this time we see a green arrow on our side... however we are not turning. The guy behind us swerves around us in a mad hurry and blows past us. The next car pulls up behind us and its the youth and Kristen and Brent (adults driving). They wave Jeff ahead. He carefully looks and decides to go while no cars are turning.
*Jeffs Phone Rings its Brent*

Jeff: "I don't know about here but in Georgia our lights turn green!"

hahaha I thought it was great but so true! I mean really people?!

Anyways we had a blast and now I'm ready to call it a day. I'm so stinkin' tired. Oh well.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Reading Reading Reading...

I need more books. Lately I've tried to lose my self in romance novels, thrillers.. you name it. I used to hate reading! I mean it. Like really hate it. I think even now I've only read around 10 novels. House, Captivating, In the Blink of an Eye, The Shack, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse,Breaking Dawn, Germ, A ring and A promise.... Now I'm trying to decide whats next. Do I want to go the Harry Potter route? or Eragon? I can only read fiction novels.. I'm sure I need to read self help but.. I just love a good book that I can get lost in. I really do. My creative mind just TAKES off.
Just like a good movie that I'm captivated by! It really stinks not having money for movies and such.. but I will survive. Jeffrey and I are dying to see UP. We've heard great things about it and Hello! if you've seen the previews who doesn't want to see that bird!?!?!?

This wonderful Saturday morning has me re-reading a book while Jeffrey is sound asleep. He said something about cleaning today! GROSS! I'm really not looking forward to that. Oh well. What can I do? I'm trying to get a new website up and running so I can really start booking people in Mobile. I'm having a little bit of a hard time convincing Jeffrey that I need to spend the money. But there are a lot of things I need to spend the money on with my photography business and its just killing me! Computer, New Camera, New Lens... etc etc.

On another note.. Yesterday I booked a flight to Ft.Lauderdale for one of my life long best friend's wedding. Then we ran to David's Bridal and I ordered my bridesmaid dress.... its a beautiful halter plum dress that stops right around the knees for me. I'm already obsessing about my hair. Saving money is a huge deal right now and I'm trying to figure out.. Would long hair look better in a wedding OUTside in FL or short?!?!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


POLO! Well I'm about to head to work so this may or may not be a short post. Jeffrey got the job with the church! So we are praising God that we will be able to eat this month! I'm so proud of him but I'm also so excited for him to be in a church where he can use his talents to serve God!

Wednesdays have a small habit forming at 7 o clock my time. I get a phone call from someone at my parents house. Wipeout is ABC's great great great show! Its basically a chance to watch America's Funniest Home Videos in an ACTION PACKED obstacle course. I normally spend the hour waiting for a phone call so I know its back on and then we laugh over the phone together. I know it is kind of cheesey but I feel in a strange way like I'm home. But then again.. my family does have a sick humor. ;)

Tuesday... was just a work day. Nothing major to blog about really.

Monday... same I'm thinking. Except Jeffrey forced me to go to the grocery store with him. Not lovin' him for that. I've determined there is nothing I hate more than spending money at walmart. I'm just being honest folks. Hard earned money spent in 1 hour of stress navigating through tight spots, trying not to run into people, RUDE people... don't even get me started on the parking lot!! OH well. It has to be done. Maybe one day when.. I have oodles of money.. I'll pay someone to grocery shop for me??

Sunday was spent at the church Jeffrey now works at. We stayed after the service for a great lunch! Talk about good food.. mmmmmMMMMmmm. Nothing better than that Baptist Cookin'!

P.S. Dad its about time you started paying attention to my blog..... and here are some pictures.. because every post is better with pictures!!! My moms pretty flowers and our group picture before Jeffrey and I left on Memorial Day.