Well Today was the first official day of Jeffrey Henderson leading worship as the worship director at Tibbie Baptist. He did great of course. The band is great and I think they are starting to really get into the swing of things. After the service was over I think I put on a good 20 pounds with some Southern Cookin' and man oh man was it gooooood cookin'!!! The Youth are made up of some great core kids that I've meet the last 2 Sunday's they asked us to join them for bowling this afternoon and since we didn't have night church we decided to do that. Jeff of course won.. like always. But we enjoyed our time!! My thumb is killing me!! :(
We called it quits after laughing and after some girl chat about "Twilight". On the road home we stopped at a red light. Well we realized that our side wasn't turning green. In true fashion I wasn't paying attention bc Jeff was driving. Then it happened again. Jeff started creeping forward and I glanced up to Yell,
Me: "The light is STILL RED!"
Jeff: "I know this guy behind me is freaking out! Telling me to go"
Me: "Well don't listen to him"
Jeff: "Thank you, Jessica. Now the guy is banging his head on the steering wheel in frustration that I'm not going... this is funny"
Me: "Great"
*At this time we see a green arrow on our side... however we are not turning. The guy behind us swerves around us in a mad hurry and blows past us. The next car pulls up behind us and its the youth and Kristen and Brent (adults driving). They wave Jeff ahead. He carefully looks and decides to go while no cars are turning.
*Jeffs Phone Rings its Brent*
Jeff: "I don't know about here but in Georgia our lights turn green!"
hahaha I thought it was great but so true! I mean really people?!
Anyways we had a blast and now I'm ready to call it a day. I'm so stinkin' tired. Oh well.