Monday, June 15, 2009

what what what...

Dancing around in the living room is exercise right?!

I heard a joke at work a week or so ago....

How do you wake Lady Ga-Ga???

Poke Poke Poker Her Face!!! hahaha

SO great! I'm dancing to this song right now and I'm enjoying it. I really am! Better than if I was at the gym.... Speaking of the Gym... I hate those places. Seriously I think they are depressing they just make you realize how far from your goal you are. New rule.. I will step back into the gym once I'm the weight I want to be! :) Ha! Also when I look like Megan Fox then I will 1st- be dreaming and 2nd- be making a lot of money to look like that!!!!

Poker Poker Paaaaa Paaaa Poker face!

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