Sunday, November 9, 2008
time to Share
Thursday, November 6, 2008
GOOOD morning

Thursday, October 30, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Picture time...
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Lets go to the ZOO
So today I find myself in a much better mood/place. I'm using a "God Filter" today... *Amy this is where I need to know how to copy your blog here.. so here.. is a great friend of mine who.. I swear we are clones.. only I don't blog as much. She is an awesome "expresser" of her thoughts and feelings. So GO and check out her blog. Back to the God Filter is something that I learned from her yesterday about there being a filter that only things come through (into my life) after God.. "approves them". So today.. is a good day only good things.. with positive out looks. I'll be honest.. it won't last forever.. because I'm the type that looks in the dark corners to see whats wrong. But I'm giving it a go. And when I find myself in the corner.. I'll give it another go.. until I stop looking into the corners.
Last thought.. I want for people to reallly start listening to what people are telling you. If you don't understand what I mean. Your GOAL for the day.. is to listen to someone's WHOLE statement or question.. and then think of your response. Be slow to speak... (OH BOY.. CHALLENGE AHEAD FOR ME!!)
Goodn'te &* Goodm'rn
Thursday, October 9, 2008
When it rains.. it pours...
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Better believe it...
Thursday, September 25, 2008
whew doggie...
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Along time.. wow....
Friday, August 29, 2008
Any Followers?
I wish I had some exciting news to tell you... OH besides the fact that Jeffrey and I have made the decision to be debt free in count it... 6 months.. at the longest. We can do it. Because we want a house.. well I want a house.. He just wants a place of our own. His new job is going well I actually dropped him off this morning, because his truck wouldn't start. Hooray for that! Yesterday was a very very stressful day but I made it through the wilderness.... (yes i just sang that line). We also received some really disappointing news from Jeffrey's little brothers that has to do with their father.. (i have to watch how much i say.. you never know who is reading this!) Please keep them in your prayers, its a very hard time for them. (history.. parents divorced... dad remarried.. addopting new wife's son) I had a great time doing a photoshoot this week. It turned out that I got to take some shots of the client and I had a blast.. I really loved the studio feeling. Ah.. Jeffrey is leading worship the 6th & 7th all by himself. Which is truly and honor for him to have even been asked. Don't get me wrong. He clearly has the talent. Its still just really cool to see my husband being able to do what God has called him to do! My parents left this morning for a weekend trip. Jeffrey has a really busy sched this weekend so I'm hoping that we can have a little time to ourselves with the house cleared out.
well one day I'll figure out this blogging thing.. and make it interesting.. I just need some funny stuff to happen to me.. and not such seriousness all the time.
until the sky is done falling-I'm still here
Saturday, August 16, 2008
too long
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Pain lives inside of me ... less often than it use too. (thanks to my husband) Its there tonight. Small but knocking.. I don't answer the door anymore. I let pain wait outside.. until it decides to go away. Its always better to sleep when you feel this way. Life has created this pain. Its the hurt of being lost.. in life.. and working way too much.. and just wanting to spend a week with people who really care. The type of people that call just to say hey, the kind of people you can pick up with after not speaking for 3 months and be in the same place that you left off. ... ok I'm done.. I'll be more chipper after more sleep
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Meet me at The Shack...
Monday, July 21, 2008

Sunday, July 13, 2008
Hip Hip Hoorrraaayy
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Did What?
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008

OH yeah.. went to Boone Hall this morning. Above is NOT my picture. I'll be uploading those soon hopefully. But Wow it was so pretty. We are having a great time. At 7 a.m. this morning we were up moving around and getting ready. We arrived at Boone Hall at 8:45 they open at 8:30 so I was able to get my own really great shots of the trees leading up to the plantation. Pretty famous. Three movies were filmed there, North and South, The NOTEBOOK!!! and Queen. We toured the house after we went into the Butterfly House. Then we went on the trolley and rode around over 700 acres at one time the Boone Hall Plantation was over 4800 acres!!! HOLY CRAP it once sold for $55,000!!! Oh I really wish I could find a great plantation for $55k gosh. Oh the good ole days. Ha! Anyways, visiting Papa has been really great. However its actually been really depressing. He was involved in a chemical spill years before I was born.. he used to run miles and miles a day so he would naturally detox his body. Now that he is older and he injured his hip he can't run anymore. He is on lots of medicines which cause him to be SUPER nervous. The once laughing, joking, always smiling grandpa I knew is no more. I fight tears back as I look at Papa and don't actually "see" him anymore. It breaks my heart but I love him no less. He paces the floor and lays down like 20 times a day. I know he can doesn't have alot of control over himself, I personally think thats why he is anxious/nervous all the time. Anyways.. enough of that.. getting to sad typing about it. I know am fighting away the horrible smoking smell that is up my nose as I type. Now there are 2 smokers in the house and I have one room that I can hide in!!!! Pray that I don't have an attack. Any time I've been in a smoking house for more than 2 days.. I end up in the hospital. I miss my husband and my bed. But I wouldn't trade this for anything. I love my family..... which brings me to another depressing thing about this weekend... salvation.. are they even saved? My dad and I constantly bring it up but it seems as though its a none issue... pray for that too. I'll show you my pictures later. Happy 4th of July by the way!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Its off I go.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Oh Baby Youuu Got What I Need

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
So last night..... I'm ready to fall asleep and (I know I know what your thinking get your minds out of the gutters) Jeffrey is WIDE awake. He starts picking at me.. Verbally and Physically. I start to get angry and tell him to LEAVE ME ALONE! I wanted to sleep. I was very tired!!! So I finally get to fall asleep... Only to wake up to him "rubbing my face with his hands". Which I can't stand.. I'm weird about my germs on my face. So I scream LET ME SLEEP. To which Jeffrey replys... Where is my sweet Jessy and Who are you??? I cracked a smile and said sweet Jessy is still sleeping.. LET ME SLEEP! (didn't happen) Oh well what can you do. I just woke up and count it as a loss. Oh well. More to come later.. Heading to take the brothers to see Walle!

Monday, June 30, 2008
Yay 4 2Day!!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
I threw up @ 1.30 this morning and couldn't get back to sleep for another hour or so. So I planned on going into work a little late. Well I get to work... and then I'm sent home. OK I can handle that but on my way out, I'm told I'm not needed next week. Whatever. Today is a new day. Started out iffy got a little worse and now, God is going to use this to show off His awesomeness. Jeffrey is going to try and get on an earlier flight tonight. PRAY THAT HE DOES. I need him to bring reason to my crazy mind. I am at my dads office now getting a much needed reality check......
Oh By the way.. I'm super excited about this weekend. The wedding will be amazing. As for me. I can only pray God shows me whats going on for His glory.
ok I'm out
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Take me away...
My husband, Jeffrey, has been in CA since Monday morning. After a slight problem with the 1st plane, he finally made it out there about 4 o'clock our time. (he was up @ 6 am our time) I really am starting to miss him. I know its just a "few" days, but its starting to get a little tough. I'm used to seeing him EVERY night and cuddling up in his arms before I fall asleep. I didn't fall asleep until 2 a.m. this morning. It was almost like I was fighting sleep, Sleep something I desperately wanted! I finally crashed only to awake @ 7 a.m. and fight to go back to sleep I finally gave up @ 8.30. This weekend is pretty busy/stressful/exciting all bunched together. Friday - Jeffrey comes home and I get to see Beth Moore that night. Saturday- Beth Moore some more (no pun intended... lol) then I go and take my final "exam" if you will for the photographer. I'm very nervous and very excited all at the same time! who knows what will happen.
Ok so I just got off the phone with Jeffrey... HE misses me 2!!! yay! But he is having such a great time and that makes me sooo happy.
Now its off to "work". Which by the way... my last day is the 3rd of July.. Anybody know of any week day jobs???
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
A Few Days....
Vacation.. WoW do I need one. PLEASE.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Until the Sun Rises...
I'll be sleeping of course...
Monday, June 9, 2008
One Year
Today.. One Year Ago I was running around like a mad woman trying to get fish for 2 bowls that would be at my reception. Then later today a year ago, I said I do to my perfect match. I love him more and more each day. Its been a crazy year, but I wouldn't trade it for a Billion bucks. I'm so proud of Jeffrey everyday that he accomplishes something different. I can't wait to see what God has in store for us. But right now we kinda feel at a stand still. God has something planned and we are VERY happy with where we are. I had a great night last night hanging out and taking pictures. Its exactly what I needed. I can't wait to see what comes of that too!!! I'm patient and I know God has everything under control.
Happy 1 Year 2 ME!!!!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Truth has a soul... and it wants to be free.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Life Makes Me Laugh

I got a new couch today.. well actually the delivery guys showed up at the store today with a couch they were going to throw away and I called dibs on it yesterday. (the customer told us they needed a couch removed) So I claimed it, as long as it was in "good" condition. I know I'm really weird for taking a couch from a stranger. But I will be cleaning it tonight. Thank the Lord. It cost NOTHING.. and NOTHING is beautiful!!
My cousin and I made a list of things we've done that really make us laugh looking back on it. I really can't repeat these things because others probably wouldn't find it funny. Trust me they are great! Just take a minute to see the humor in your past decisions that are kind of "off the wall" if you will. Here I'll give you an example... Have you ever helped yourself to something at someone's house without asking?? (I'll leave it up to your imagination) Those are the kind of things that we just spent a great 15 mins laughing about.
I am choosing not to be so stressed anymore. Its really started to effect my health again. I'm sleeping poorly, my cycles are messed up again (not preggers) and I really want to be careful so I don't really mess myself up. Gosh if only I wasn't so emotional. I've realized that God's placed certain things on my heart for a reason and I can't wait to see them happen. Patience... oh my favorite word. But I can't get stuck in Patience Land either. Get off my butt and start doing stuff that will get me to the "promised land"! Gosh the song Jeffrey and Amy created is AMAZING!! Tomorrow we will be getting some more feed back. To make sure its not just us that love it! ;) Personally that's good enough for me. God has done some amazing things these last few days. I'm just ready to really see what he has in store for all of us.
I'm Longing.... oh and I'm Laughing
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Oh the Beauty...
I had an offer given to me last night about some therapy. Now at first you may say one of two things, "Yes, Thank the Lord Jessica is finally getting help." or " You don't need therapy." I say I do.. because its Marble Slab Therapy. Which in my book is the only way to do therapy. In one hand you have about 34 billion Weight Watcher Points and in the other your heart.
There are still very few people who understand me and I think that is why I feel almost compressed as if I can't breath around some people. I'm thankful for the things I have and I am ready to work even harder for the things I want. Like freedom. I have spiritual freedom and can't wait to be free from debt. Its just a great feeling. I think we'll take the much desired vacation to Italy once that is accomplished. So maybe next year I'll be posting about the beautiful EVERYTHING over in Italy.
Dare I say that today is a depressed day? I woke up already feeling defeated. I'm not sure what spiritual battles are around me today, but I choose to stand tall and to encourage my angels that their fight is worth it. I am worth fighting for, I can do great things through Christ and I'm choosing to do so today.
P.S. I can't wait for what God has in store for my husband either. His voice is like hearing angels and now that God has brought someone into our lives that He gives words to.. oh the bliss of happiness through Christ is worth every bad day for just a minute of His Glory Shown on Earth.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Today is another day.
Last night Garrett (the youngest of my two brothers) won the All Star Game that will put them in the championship game today @ 12. I'm sad because I can't be there but I'm soo happy for him. His team plays hard and listens. Congrats!!! My dad is their coach and he makes me smile. He keeps the kids loving the game like so many coaches forget to do. I mean.. lets be honest.. they are only 7 and 8 years old, the scouts aren't looking yet.
Well real life is calling me back.... until next time.