Friday we got up went to breakfast and made the "journey" to the beach. My dad didn't like how long it took us to get there so we had plenty of laughing moments along the way. It was a beautiful day. Not too hot. The water was perfect. You could even see the fish in every wave. The only "lucky" sunkissed family member was my dad believe it or not. Normally he never burns but I guess his farmers tan just couldn't take the HEAT! We ate dinner at CATFISH Junction then called it a night after playing a new WII game.
Saturday we spent relaxing and we swam at the pool for a little bit. Then we decided last minute to go down to the BAY to watch the fireworks. I think its an amazing time to remember why we celebrate freedom. How lucky are we that we can still celebrate FREEDOM?! Amazing. I don't even like to talk about what happened after the fireworks. It was a horrible experience no one wants to relive.
and not just your normal "after an event" traffic. The kind where TWO cops are in the middle of the road blocking a major US HIGHWAY to let a "paid" parking lot out for over 45 minutes. Lets just say the humor started with the Orchestrated Car Horns, the yelling men and the fact that a Walmart SEMI pulled up on the EAST bound side (We were headed West) and Started revving her engine and yelling out the window. After threats of being thrown into prison she stopped. It was very funny and very sad all at the same time. OH well.
My family was able to stay till Sunday afternoon so they got to hear Jeffrey lead worship which of course was nice and we got a nice updated picture! Thanks to the Pastors wife Tammie! HERE IT IS! I hope you had a good 4th!!

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