My baby brother and I share the same birthday. When I was twelve, I didn't realize how awesome it would be to share my birthday with a baby brother. Garrett is my birthday brother. Griffin(11) is my 1st brother. Its just the way things are. Garrett called yesterday from Mom’s cell to tell me he had turned 10 and that he’d let me know when I’d turned 22 because I was still 21. He explained that it was because of the times we were born. I laughed. They are so funny. 11 and 10 now are the ages of my brothers. Wow does time fly? This was the first birthday we spent apart and I can tell you, I hope it’s the last. I did not enjoy being away from him. Missed you bud! (Of course I miss you too, Griffin.)
My Birthday DAY. Jeff and I.. (cell phone picture.. don't judge)
Jeff knows me. He really knows me. He has learned that my absolute biggest “want” on any occasion is a Card. And if ever there was a man who picked out the World’s Best Cards, it’d be my husband. Seriously, he must spend hours in front of the wall of cards, reading each one until the words were meant for the occasion. It brought tears to my eyes early yesterday morning. Here’s what the front of the card said…
Although, I can't give you everything you deserve or understand you perfectly at all times, I can Promise,I will LOVE you always and be thankful for the beauty of just sharing LIFE with you...
Jeff-Life with you, is more than I deserve. I love you, always and forever.
We had a great day of enjoying each others company and driving to Florida for a few hours in the sun with my great friend Meagan and her family. It was my first “grown up” birthday all on my own, in the real world. Mom, Dad, Thank you for making my birthday’s so great. I missed you guys.
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