Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Move in has been accomplished.. I continued to freak out the whole day thinking at any minute Olivia was going to come early. She did not, obviously. However, we did get a little over heated and we had to cool off rather quickly. I could have sworn I was going to black out or die.. But I also did not lol. This week has been a lot of fun with all the stuff the school does for the start of a new school year and for the new students. The events have been tons of fun and my only wish is that I maybe wasn't so preggo so I could do more. But rest I must.

Jeff started his last "first" day of a fall semester as he is gearing up for graduation. I couldn't be more proud of his accomplishment of finishing his degree in just 3 short years. Not to mention the fact that I seriously wonder how he ended up with me.. He is so loving and caring. Always taking care of the small things for Olivia who isn't even here yet. I'm extremely thankful and I'm glad I've realized just how rare our relationship is and how much it needs to be protected. We have experienced great loss together.. Huge changes.. But we just don't take ourselves too seriously. You can't. Life is too short. I am very blessed and I don't thank God enough. Our life isn't perfect.. But we make it our own and change what we can and don't worry about what we can't.

We are waiting for some test results to come back from the doctor to see if Ms. Olivia will be joining us sooner than expected or not. We go back Friday so hopefully they will know by then. I can't believe it could already be time for her to arrive.. Crazy! Any bets on how big she'll be and when she'll arrive?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

34 what?

Holy junk... I'm 34 weeks tomorrow. I keep trying to think of things we need.. I'm sure we are missing something. At this point though my mind is completely in work mode trying to get everything done that is needed to be done before I disappear. Jeff is getting ready for classes to start and is preparing for one last tough semester. Spring should be a breeze for him. I don't have a lot of thoughts tonight .. Besides the broken AC and something Else with the transmission :( money vanishing before my eyes. Money that doesn't exist yet. But I'm thankful for all God continues to show us. Even when my car breaks down :)