Monday, November 14, 2011

2 WHOLE Months!

It's your 2 month birthday. Here are some facts about this time in your life.

You LOVE Daddy. I know in this picture you might disagree but he does so much for you. He wakes up in the middle of the night and changes you and you also laughed at him for  the first time.

I started back at work 2 weeks ago.  It was tough but you are doing great with your sitters while Daddy is in class. You love to take naps with me on my tummy.

You LOVE the bath. You take long baths and get mad when its time to get out and dry off.

Daddy bought you this Pluto dog when you were in my belly. You talk to
him every time you are being changed.

You have the prettiest gummy smile and will smile every time we make the boat sound.

You have been holding your neck up for awhile but lately you are super woman looking all around.

At night you don't want to go to sleep but once your out you've been sleeping 8 hours!!!

We go for your check up to find out how much you've grown. I'm guessing at least 2 pounds. I'm going to lay you down now and hope Daddy doesn't wake you when he gets back from his run. We love you and are praying for you. 

-Mommy & Daddy-