Sunday, May 31, 2009

We live by the beach???

YES! We do! Let me say it one more time... WE LIVE BY THE BEACH! The greatness is waking up on Saturday mornings.. not having anything planned other than going to the beach! Jeffrey and I took our sweet time Saturday morning getting ready then we went to pick up Meredith and Colby. Had some Chickfila and then we hit the sand. Here is picture number one!!!!

I love it. I know I'm bragging a little but its just so exciting! We went to eat at Catfish Junction on Saturday night after helping Colby at the driving range. I wanted to take a picture but left my camera :(. I did eat these for the first time though. (picture by google)

Fried Pickles!!! I LOVED THEM. I know if you haven't ever tried them they can be scary. But give them a chance they were amazing!

Ok well I'm a twilight junky so I'm stoked to say I finally got Meredith to watch it. I can't wait for the MTV awards so I can see the preview thats supposed to be on there for the second movie NEW MOON! HIP HIP HOORAY!

1 comment:

amy (metz) walker said...

I just have to say that I'm jealous! Maybe DW and I will just come stay with ya'll for free and go to the beach every day while ya'll work!